We Love Series

We Love Tring

October 06, 2021

As a proud local business, Hunters Tring presents #WeLoveTring, a collaborative video created alongside strong businesses in the town. The video showcases why Tring is the place for everyone and why working and living there is so enjoyable and rewarding. Stunning drone footage showing the Tring area and just how spectacular they are, and the surrounding areas are.

We worked with some fantastic local businesses to produce the video. In Tring, there is a wide range of businesses to experience and get the community feel that these businesses provide. Starring our very own, Caroline Murgatroyd the franchise owner for Hunters Tring. We are also joined by Mel Wilson from Maggie J & Co, Georgina Sells from Nonna’s Supper Club, Chris Leake from Black Goo Coffee, Kim Baiden from Our Bookshop Tring, Jamie Smith from Tring Winery and finally, Jordon Grace from Loft 68 and G Grace & Son. 

Tring has a sense of community spirit and how much people love supporting the local businesses. Tring is home to loads of unique and independent bars, cafes, shops and more. The warm welcome you get from the locals is very special and an experience you will not get anywhere else. Surrounded by beautiful countryside to explore and only 30 mins away from the city life in London.

#WeLoveTring shows why Tring is such a great place to consider moving to and we would encourage you to visit all these excellent businesses to explore the real Tring experience.